Experiencing problems at work?
Help and support
Many people associate their work with positive and fulfilling experiences. Sometimes, however, conflicts, difficult experiences, or even violations of the law occur. Here you can find a list of organisations with whom you can speak about your experiences and, if needed, access further support. If you’re struggling to find the right one for you, you can get in touch via the contact form below.
Trade Unions
Legal Support
In many countries, trade unions provide free legal protection and advice on labour law and working conditions to all union members. Moreover, they support working people in the initiation of work councils and participation structures. If you have doubts about your working conditions especially in employment, you should consider getting in touch with a trade union suitable for your industry.
Support organisations for people in unpaid work rarely refer explicitly to ‘working conditions’; try looking for organisations offering support for specific demographic groups (e.g. women, parents, pensioners).
Support for working people
Links and Helplines
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (online)
Beratung für die Findung einer geeigneten Gewerkschaft
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (online)
Ratgeber: Was dürfen Chefs (nicht)?
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (online)
Fragebogen zur Selbstreflexion und Einschätzung der eigenen Arbeitssituation sowie die Möglichkeit zum Vergleich mit bundes- bzw. branchenweiter Arbeitsqualität
Telefonseelsorge (24/7)
Seelsorge und Beratung für jegliche Situationen
Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen (24/7)
Für Frauen, die Opfer häuslicher Gewalt geworden sind, sowie ihre Angehörigen, Freunde und Betreuer
Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst
Regionale Dienste für Menschen in akuten Krisen oder jene mit Suchtproblemen
04171 693-517
(Winsen-Luhe / regional unterschiedlich)
Silbernetz (08:00-22:00)
Für alle über 60 Jahre. Unterstützt Senioren auf dem Weg aus der sozialen Isolierung und verweist auch an psychologische Hilfe
Schuldnerberatung der Caritas (online)
Für Menschen mit Schulden. Hilft dabei, die Kontrolle über die eigenen Finanzen zurückzuerlangen und mit Gläubigern zu kommunizieren
Elterntelefon (Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00)
Beratung für Eltern
Trade Union Congress (online)
Find a suitable trade union for your occupation (UK)
Free advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice for employers and employees
Get in touch
Help us expand this list
We want to make a contribution to working people receiving the support they need. Are you experiencing difficulties in finding an appropriate contact for you? Or have you experienced support from a contact we haven't listed yet?
If you belong to an organisation that offers support to working people (whether employment or unpaid work such as household labour, child raising, or volunteering), we would appreciate the opportunity to refer to your organisation on this page - please get in touch. If possible, please add a link so that we can check out your resources.