Measuring the quality of work

Work - the foundation of wellbeing

Coming soon: an interactive website designed to explore the quality of work. In the upcoming months, we will publish research results, resources, and information on working condititions which can help you to improve your own work situation.

About the project

Research overview

This project investigates how the the quality of people's work can be captured in order to make wellbeing comparisons based on work. Many pressing political, economic and social issues are closely connected to work - this applies to climate change, Covid-19, and inflation as it does to social inequalities, for instance between different regions, income groups, or genders. To explore how work quality can be measured in the future in order to improve academic research, policy making, and the the situation of working people themselves effectively, working people have been consulted through focus group discussions. Soon, we plan to conduct interviews with researchers and policymakers working on work/employment in oder to compare and contrast the findings with previous research.

Our contribution

Making lasting improvements to
work quality, work research, and policymaking


Work instead of employment

Not everyone who works receives pay. This is why we include unpaid activities such as housework or volunteering in our research.


Reconciling multiple activities

Most people engage in multiple different activities each day. This is why we are looking for possibilities to capture not just one job but all work activities a person engages in.


Multidimensional model of work quality

Working conditions are not the only dimension of work that impacts wellbeing. This is why we also look at other dimensions, such as recognition.


Connecting work, research, and policymaking

Not all working people have the opportunity to make themselves heard. This is why we are creating a platform that should be useful to everyone involved.


Who's behind this research?

This project is based on doctoral research at the University of Manchester.

Anna-Maria Köhnke

Anna-Maria Köhnke

Doctoral researcher | Politics Department | University of Manchester

Anna-Maria Köhnke researches work and wellbeing at the University of Manchester. She has previously been awarded a BA (Hons) in Politics, Philosophy & Economics as well as an MA in Political Economy from the same institution. Further, she teaches Politics at Leuphana University in Lüneburg and works as a Quality Manager (focusing on employee wellbeing) at Pflegeteam Hamel, an in-home care service.

Jonah Bernhold

Jonah Bernhold

Student (Social Work) | University of Vechta

Jonah Bernhold studies social work in Hamburg and has volunteered as project assistant for empirical research. He has experience in social work and pedagogy which enabled him to take on an advising and supporting role during the panel research.

Get in touch

Any questions or concerns?

We appreciate any exchange regarding the topic of work. If you are a researcher or otherwise occupied with the quality of work, we would especially welcome the opportunity to interview you - please get in touch by filling in the form below or sending an e-mail.
